Lead Yourself Into The Future Day

On Lead Yourself Into The Future day, I learnt that I can cooperate really well in a group, and listen to other peoples ideas. For example in the newspaper tower activity, my group and I had to listen to one another because if we didn’t we would not have come up with the idea that helped our tower stand. We had to use collaboration to come up with good ideas. We didn’t win because our tower was the prettiest, no, we won because we worked together and used all of the PLA’s which helped us get a tall newspaper tower.

I also used courage because we met two new Donvale students who I had never seen before, but I put myself out there and I am glad I did because a met this wonderful girl who shared the same interests as me, art, music and singing!!! She was amazing, and I had also met this boy who had broken his arm which I can relate to. I am so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone because I made new friends.

Communication was a massive PLA that we used. We couldn’t have done any of the activities with communicating! For example in the plank competition we would not have known when the other person wanted to drop, and wanted us to swap with them if we hadn’t used communication. I think overall my team and I worked really well together!!!

What was your favourite part of that day? Why?

From Ophelia